Saturday, December 22, 2007

a new blog, from adam hamilton

Adam Hamilton, senior pastor at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection has started a blog called Seeing Gray. Hamilton is the author of several books, and Church of the Resurrection hosts the annual Leadership Institute.

The blog's title is related to an upcoming sermon series and a new book due to be released in April 2008. I don't know if Adam is planning to continue the blog beyond the sermon series--but I hope he does. I've attended the past two Leader Institutes, and have always come back inspired and better equipped for ministry. Adam is frequently insightful and does not hesitate to address controversial issues.

I predict that he will be a great asset to the Christian blogosphere.

[Update] I forgot in my original post...thanks to Jeff of E-merging in Indiana for the lead.


John said...

I'm impressed that he has a blogroll. Most Methocelebrities (e.g. Willimon) who blog never figure out that it's done in community. Hamilton has one from the getgo.

Rich H said...

You're right John. Impressive, but not surprising. There's a tech team at COR, and Adam is smart enough to know when he doesn't know what he needs to know.